Sunday, October 20, 2013

Mustache Man and Famous Cleaning Supplies

Hey Everyone!

This bit of information was too good not to share ASAP, so I am taking a much-needed study/research break to tell you all about it!

This morning I ran to the market to pick up milk, cheese, cereal, and the essential companion to all things academic .... chocolate.  Clearly, I couldn't start my day without these items (perhaps the cheese).  I go crazy if I do anything without breakfast.  Biologically speaking, calcium is extremely important for muscle contraction, and potassium is used by every cell in the body for basic functioning.  Thus, at the very least, you should be eating a banana (as those Chiquita stickers say: yum yum potassi-yum!) and drinking a glass of milk at the start of your day.

On my trek to acquire these coveted groceries, I passed a man, most definitely a chauffeur by the look of his emerald and black uniform and cap, wiping down his Mercedes sedan with a rag in one hand an a spray bottle in the other.  Why did this warrant a space on this blog?  Well, from a block away I could see that the liquid inside the spray bottle was a brilliant shade of electric blue .... which can only mean one thing .... say it with me .... JUST PUT SOME WINDEX ON IT!  Yes, Readers, MyBigFatGreekWedding officially exists on the streets of South Kensington!  Unfortunately it would have been super strange if I had stopped to photograph the phenomenal sight ... but you get the point.

And, while we're on the subject of picture-worthy things, on my way back from Camden Town (see my previous post for Camden Market details) I spotted THE GREATEST mustache I've ever seen.  Of course, Friedrich Nietzsche had the mustache of all time, but this guy had the best one I've ever seen in person.  I was so close to asking him if I could take a picture of him, and I really should have because I'm sure someone has asked him before.  But, it was so ingrained in my memory that I went home and did a quick sketch so I could give you some idea.

Friedrich Nietzsche
Mustache Man

This rough (very rough) rendering of Mustache Man definitely doesn't do the mustache, so perfectly groomed and waxed on the ends, justice, but I couldn't leave you with words alone.

The best thing, though, was that this guy acted like it was completely normal - nothing else about him was over-the-top, which is a big deal because it's pretty common to see well-dressed people on the Tube who are constantly fussing over their hair, clothing, make-up, etc.

Moral of the story: Don't be afraid to have your own style (just be careful not to get too unique that it scares people away), and be bold enough to strike up a conversation with that person sitting next to you on the bus or the train - you may find that you've just met the most interesting person around!

Sending my love from London!  Thanks for reading!

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